It all depends on your personal circumstances and objectives. For investors seeking a Golden Visa with minimum hassle, investment funds are best. It is the fastest, most tax-efficient Golden Visa with the lowest overall cost of investment. Although capital transfer is simple and straightforward for this option too, the investment threshold (€1.5 million) is much higher than that of other options, giving less return to the investor as a whole.
The fine for the misdemeanor and the level of the penalty for the offense in Portugal will decide whether or not you are qualified for the Golden Visa. If you would have received a prison sentence shorter than one year, then you could be eligible; however, it is essential to contact an attorney to ensure that you're correct.
Yes. British individuals have become third country nationals since the UK has left the EU, making them eligible for the Portugal Golden Visa. It's an excellent option for British people who want to get their lost EU rights back.
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